
Editing the next one ...

Well, I had the third book of the series nearly finished, where Bridgitte and Chris are experiencing problems, but I need to sort some things out.

For example, I had a scene where the people who have gone to France to study Gregorian chant are all introduced. Not only does it seem contrived; it's boring, too. So, I cut that scene, and am now reworking several of the later scenes to introduce the characters in a smoother, more natural manner. Because of this, not even the first chapter of Ut Queant Laxis is ready to post yet.

In other news, I hope to have the solar panels installed on my roof soon. The company sent someone to check my roof trusses, and they are fine. Because they had to get into the attic, I had pulled everything out of the linen closet, and piled it up in the library (which is actually just a spare bedroom with several bookcases).

This weekend I finally put things back and, once I settled into my favourite chair, felt a burning desire to write again. It's weird. I thought all my chairs were comfortable, but this chair (with its matching hassock) allows me to lean back and have my head supported without being at an odd angle. Not only that, but I face four large bookcases and one shorter one -- all filled with my favourite books. Now that is an inspiration!

I hope to have some of my next book ready to publish soon. Meanwhile, I'm also researching the third book (second in the series). With the two books and work, I guess I'm busy enough.

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