I got a cat yesterday. He's a big beautiful mellow fellow who loves to be petted.
It started like this: On Sunday morning, I was reading the paper in order to put off doing housework before the arrival of visitors on Monday. I saw a lovely cat named Freya up for adoption, so I hustled over to the Humane Society to see if she was still available. Well, she was; but she and I didn't see eye-to-eye on cuddling. So I put her back and wandered down the cages to see if there was anyone else.
At the very end of the row, was this cat. He's four years old and had already been tested and diagnosed as FIV positive, which means I shouldn't have any other cats. That's okay by me.
As I brought him home in the car, he was very quiet. It was as if he was wondering what was going to happen now. I brought him in and let him out in my bedroom -- which is quite large -- where I had food and water for him, as well as a litter box.
He stepped out of the carrier and looked around. After he had investigated my bedroom thoroughly, and I learned that my efforts at removing dust from under the furniture had been somewhat less than successful, we had an afternoon nap on my bed. Later, I set up the 'kitty tv' for him -- also known as filling the bird feeder.
I had been told to keep him in one room for 24 hours, but he wanted into the rest of the house after our naps, so I opened the door and we walked through the house together, examining his new home. He kept purring and rubbing against me.
While I was on the computer earlier, he stretched out under the desk and snoozed. He seems to like being with me, and that was exactly what I was hoping for.
His name is CJ, but he doesn't answer to that -- or to anything else I've tried, so far. We'll have to figure out something.
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